Monday, February 28, 2011

ISOPROPANOL - The Molecular Geometry: 3D

Red- Oxygen
Black- Carbon 
Grey- Hydrogen

The electronegativity values of the atoms in my molecule; Oxygen-3.4, Carbon-2.6, Hydrogen- 2.1 all impact the direction of the arrowns in the picture shown above. The electronegativity always goes from the atom atom with the lesser electronegativity to the one with more. The arrows demonstrate this, for example: the arrow perpendicular with the arrow pointing from the grey hydrogen(2.1) to the red carbon(2.6) because hydrogen's electronegativity is less than carbon's.


  1. The arrows were nicely drawn into the molecule picture to show the polarity of each bond and the value of electronegativity.

  2. 2nd Comment
    The blog has a nice layout and is neatly organized; it is easy to read because all of the aspects covered in the blog aren't close together. Like the previous comment the arrows to represent the electronegativity were nicely drawn in. As far as I know, the intermolecular forces discussed in the blog are accurate. Also, the ad was somewhat convincing although I am not completely sure of what the molecule does but I do have a general idea.
